
The Importance of Spinal Health

Every living cell in the human body needs the flow of electrical impulses from the brain and spinal cord to survive, reproduce and function effectively. Spinal Health is about maintaining spinal movement, aligment and posture to facilitate the conduction of electrical impulses throughout the body. As spinal health diminishes so does the ability of our body to cope with the daily stresses placed upon it allowing us to become predisposed to sickness. Spinal pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010 and experts estimate that as much as 80% of the population will experience a spinal health issue at some time in their lives. Also, spinal pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. In fact, spinal pain is the second most common reason for visits to a doctor’s office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections and American’s spend at least $50 million each year on spinal pain. That’s just for the more easily identified costs.

Examining Spinal Health

Spinal Health all starts with a scientifically based examination of your spinal posture, alignment, range of motion and function, often involving x-rays analysis as compared to normal values. X-rays help the doctor establish the amount of care needed and if there are any underlining disease processes that might be causing decreased spinal health.

Implementing Spinal Health

Once your spinal deficits are identified, Chiropractic Biophysics spinal remodeling technique begins, which involves mirror image spinal adjustments, exercises and traction. While your treatment plan will be unique and personalized, in most cases a treatment regimen of 24 visits over a two-month period will show improvement in your spine and posture. In addition to in office treatment, you will likely be given exercises and spinal remodeling orthotic devices to perform at home. Once the initial course of treatment is complete, your posture and bone structure are reassessed to determine the level of success of the treatments. The first treatment cycle is usually just the beginning and further treatment is typically required. Research on Chiropractic Biophysics spinal remodeling technique has found that average patient achieves between 25-50% improvement in their spine and posture abnormality over the course of their initial 2-month regimen care. Alternative Health Care Center also recommends exercise, yoga, Pilates and massage to help accelerate your spinal correction. Alternative Health Care Center also offers pain relief care.